Saturday, February 24, 2007

Friday, February 23, 2007

For more information on Breakfast at Tiffany's click on this link http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0054698/ and for information relating tom prostitution please click on this link
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

We were shown a clip 'breaking Out is Hard To Do', Family Guy, 2005, Fox. In the clip the mother character developed a liking to steal anything she could find, (can be called kleptomania). Although this was only to give us an example I found it useful to answer the question. To the character in question there was a difference as she felt it was OK to do this. However I do not agree with this. Theft is theft and it does not matter if it is against one person or a major corporation.
Why do people who can afford to buy things shop lift them instead?
Having dealt with this due to friends at senior school I think I know why. I believe that it is mainly for the thrill of doing it and getting away with it as in many cases the thief is never caught and the theft is not discovered until a stock check is done.
To find out more about family guy and its back ground click on this link. http://www.familyguy.com/ and for more information you may not have known about shoplifting answer the questionnaire here http://www.thamesvalley.police.uk/UNDERZONE/consequences/cons-shop1.htm
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Comment 1 (Ellie's Blog)

Originally posted 9/2/07 01:37
Although statistics are useful I think that they only show half of the problem. They do not show peoples attitude towards smoking and how that effects, affects the family of the smoker. They also do not show how peer pressure can influence a persons thoughts about smoking.
However they do show the true percentages of people that do smoke and what type of people they are.
More statistics can be found at www.statistics.gov.uk
Monday, February 12, 2007

Smoking has not always been seen as 'being bad', for many years it was encouraged and publicised through media and films and from the general public. So is it bad, technically yes. This is only because it has been proven to cause damage to the human body in many different ways. This is the kajor problem that we all face. The general population only see smoking as 'being bad' because they have been told that smoking can harm you (for further information that can show the effects please click on the following link http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/medical_notes/473673.stm). But if you talk to some people when they think no one is listening then you will find that they see smoking as fine and not bad and that it is one of the few 'pleasures' that they can have. So the question still stands, is smoking 'bad' or do we think that it is because we have been told to think that way.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Greebos and Goths
Recently I was at a meeting of my church's youth fellowship and a thought came to my mind. 'Being bad' can mean several things and just because you dress or look like a certain type of person does not mean that you are. For example my sister and her friends are what is most commonly known as a 'greebos' or 'goths' (see left) . However as I sat in the church meeting I found looking around apart from myself and the other adults present all the youths there were 'greebos' or 'goths' and that I have know many of them since they were babies and have never known any of them to do anything 'bad' that people think they do and that most spend their time with the church, at school, or up town window shopping and trying on clothes they can't afford like any other average teenager. For a wider range of opinions and information so you can make up your own opinion can be found at www.myspace.com
Friday, February 02, 2007
Its just the beginning

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